Mon 6am-9am
Mon 9am-noon
The Sequoia Session
with DJ ChazA variety of jazz, blues, acoustic covers, and the news of the day.
Mon noon-2pm
The Heysoul Classic Radio Show
with DJ DoblerKicking Out Jams Indiscriminately & With Honor
Mon 2pm-4pm
Music from the WRUV robots.
Mon 4pm-6pm
Boricua Van
with JAH REDLatin
Mon 6pm-8pm
Soundsmith Radio
with Nate & AlyMashed-Up Variety Show
Mon 8pm-10pm
Sunnyside Up
with chickadeejay + Free Range ChickenEclectic
Mon 10pm-midnight
Concrete And The Color Cream
with Bok Choy SilversteinJuicy Future Classic Beats and Sweaty New Disco Bangers
Mon midnight-2am
Songs to Sleep to
with DJ BenadrylAmbient, downtempo, jazz, experimental, post-rock, pop
Mon 2am-4am
- graveyard shift I -
what you hear is what you get
Mon 4am-6am
- graveyard shift II -
what you hear is what you get