DJ of the Month

DJ Of The Month: Max

DJ Of The Month: Max

The DJ Of The Month for the month of April is our Chief Operator, Max! Here’s what Max has to say about it: “Hello, the name of the game is wires. I like magnets. How do they work? I often ask myself what to do with all this extra blood? Do you need any? I am ...

Social Media Director

May 1st, 2016

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Congratulations to Lea Jae Girven, our DJ of the Month for January 2016!

Congratulations to Lea Jae Girven, our DJ of the Month for January 2016!

What brought you to WRUV? I listened to Corey (The Buckdancer’s Choice) every Friday morning for years. After hearing that there was DJ training coming up, I called him to ask what the process was. He totally encouraged me and got me pumped to take it on. 3.5 years ...

The Serial Chiller

February 1st, 2016

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Congrats to Deb Reger, our DJ of the Month for December!

Congrats to Deb Reger, our DJ of the Month for December!

Deb Reger holds a very neat weekly program called “Moccasin Tracks”, that centers around the indigenous people of the Vermont area.  We asked her to tell us more about it and here was her response:            “What brought Moccasin Tracks to WRUV was a ...

The Serial Chiller

January 1st, 2016

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DJ of the Month for November 2015 : Jake the Jam Man!

DJ of the Month for November 2015 : Jake the Jam Man!

We interviewed Jake Ladue, also known as “Jake the Jam Man”, our DJ of the Month for November! Here’s what he had to say: What brought you to WRUV? My whole life, I have been in love with music. When I got to UVM, I wanted to be a part of a community that ...

The Serial Chiller

December 1st, 2015

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DJ of the Month for October 2015: Melo Grant!

What brought you to WRUV? I came to UVM in 1982.  I was born & raised in New York City so I had already been exposed to a wide variety of non-commercial radio and WRUV was the only thing I could listen to in Burlington.  The older brother of a high school friend was a DJ

The Serial Chiller

November 1st, 2015

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DJ of the Month: Joey

DJ of the Month: Joey

Well-deserved after his persistent dedication! What brought you to WRUV? I grew up in a town not far from UVM, close enough to be in the station’s broadcast range. It was probably when I started high school that my older sister – who was also a WRUV DJ in the past ...

The Serial Chiller

July 15th, 2015

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DJ of the Month June 2015: DJ Mae

DJ of the Month June 2015: DJ Mae

What brought you to WRUV? Fellow WRUV DJ, Aly Perry (Forever is Just a Day, Soundsmith Radio), is the person responsible for getting me hooked on radio. We worked at a farm together in the summer of 2014 and she was hosting Forever is Just a Dayat the time. She always talked

The Serial Chiller

June 24th, 2015

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DJ of the Month May 2015: Andrew

DJ of the Month May 2015: Andrew

What brought you to WRUV? I’d always kinda thought it would be cool to have a show but I never got fully motivated until this semester. I basically think I just found some really amazing music over the last year or so and I felt like I needed to share it. Simple as ...

The Serial Chiller

May 11th, 2015

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DJ of the Month: Karla! Our Station Manager is kicking April’s butt!

DJ of the Month: Karla! Our Station Manager is kicking April’s butt!

What brought you to WRUV? My love of making mix CDs for my friends brought me to WRUV. I wanted to make mix CDs for the world, but that was gonna be too expensive and distribution seemed impossible, so here I am, a DJ at Burlington’s better alternative. Tell us about ...

The Serial Chiller

April 13th, 2015

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DJ of the Month March 2015: Audrey

DJ of the Month March 2015: Audrey

Name: Audrey Homan DJ name: DJ Sacramento Show name: Undercover Lover Time of Show: Wednesdays, 10pm-midnight Top 5 Tracks: 1. “True Stories” – Datarock 2. “Dance the Magic Dance” – Vourteque 3. “Thunderstruck” – 2CELLOS ...

The Serial Chiller

March 16th, 2015

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DJ of the Month February 2015: Emily

DJ of the Month February 2015: Emily

What brought you to WRUV? I remember when I came to admitted student’s day my parents and I were passing the station on a tour and my mom said, “Wow, it would be so cool to be aDJ!”  I determined she was right so I signed up for DJ Training. I didn’t come into training with ...

The Serial Chiller

March 1st, 2015

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DJ of the Month January 2015: Emelio

DJ of the Month January 2015: Emelio

What brought you to WRUV? I had just moved to Vermont at the time of DJ training in February 2014. I was in that newcomer stage where you want to check out what’s interesting in the new place, get involved in a couple neat things — one of the first things I did ...

The Serial Chiller

February 1st, 2015

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